------- Map Information ------- Mapname: mp_westwall Author: Heiko īsm0k3r` Dreyer Mail: oinki_oink@gmx.net Release date: 26.12.03 Version: 1.0 Gametypes: dm tdm sd re bel Player count: 40 Respawnpoints for each type, but map isnt that big, therefore best count should be around 16-20. ------- Additional information: Mp_westwall takes place somewhere around the french-german border, which was called "Westwall" or "Siegried Line". For S&D, British paratroops job is to destroy the 88 gun or the flak vierling. Re objective is to capture the german code book and take it behind a german Bunker. If you notice bugs, want to comment, got questions or whatever, drop me a line. When running the map on rigs under 1ghz, you maybe should lower the model detail level if you got performance problems. I got the choise between gay cull fog effects and slightly lower performance, i decided to avoid those effects ;) Just a little hint for ppl who probably complaining about brightness: Turn it up! ------- Other Maps by Author: First Map for Call of Duty. Too much stuff for other games to be mentioned here, if you wanna know, ask me :p ------- Just place westwall.pk3 into your call of duty\main folder. ------- Copyright 2003 by Heiko Dreyer Call of Duty (c) 2003 Activision etc.