Arial arial wav alias count","",1) samples","",1) LeaveBook \("close enterBook LeaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk zpath LeaveBook close count tbkMCI Allie's Playhouse System Arial 4zpath "c:\toolbook\playhous\" .sbk" (Zpath&" tbkMCIchk(" p&"yesno.wav alias winlose","",1) samples","",1) &"alliecom. ","",1) LeaveBook practice ("close S","") tbkBitmap(" &kid") saveAs Vstatus displayKid eBook enterBook saveAs LeaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open yesno.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk zpath LeaveBook buttonup close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid n7n7n7n7n7 :PHYSSIZE names ><> "" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Mercury Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto :PHYSSIZE The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto allieplay :PHYSSIZE alliel1 :PHYSSIZE alliel2 :PHYSSIZE alliewin :PHYSSIZE results buttonUp buttonUp Good! You scored 13 points out of 30.e correct.uires 13 points 4game replay goofy sound here buttonUp buttonUp replay The sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto :PHYSSIZE names ><> "" buttonup buttonup buttonup Mercury Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto :PHYSSIZE The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto allieplay :PHYSSIZE alliel1 :PHYSSIZE alliel2 :PHYSSIZE alliewin :PHYSSIZE results buttonUp buttonUp Congratulations! All your answers were correct.uires 13 points 4game replay goofy sound here buttonUp buttonUp replay "play" "practice" "names" initGame buttonUp buttonUp practice names j^initGame :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 2925,5805 4Zpath playhouse .tbk") default buttonup buttonup playhous.tbk default playhouse Zpath :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8220,5835 practice 4game "practice" "play" "names" buttonUp buttonUp practice names pscript to handle buttonUp --set invert of group practice to true send buttonDown to rectangle child of target set invert of group "play" to false show group "names" pobjects button id 49 of page id 0,paintObject id 69 of page id 0,rectangle id 70 of page id 0 :PHYSSIZE practice xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 4125,5790 help planets buttonup buttonup planets 4125,5790 You scored points out of 30. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments buttonup practice better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results ellipse (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay PlanetDescSpeech mystName points waitTime speech sortNames The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto questions result keyDown replay results Good! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 30. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments buttonup practice better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results ellipse (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay playSpeech mystName points waitTime speech sortNames The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto questions result playSpeech set cdAudio time format tmsf tbkMCIchk the sun Where is the Sun? mercury Where is Mercury? venus Where is Venus? the earth Where is the Earth? Where is Mars? jupiter Where is Jupiter? saturn Where is Saturn? Uranus Where is Uranus? Neptune Where is Neptune? pluto Where is Pluto? the sun The Sun mercury Mercury venus Venus the earh The Earth jupiter Jupiter saturn Saturn Uranus Uranus Neptune Neptune pluto Pluto planet keyDown replay (ghxxzxx !(8800 113802 1!01! !103138 hh 30 838381 H(7ww #3808 1313933 ;3933y 331383;y 81818 123012 1939; 13131#3 !!00 73s3311 73;33 8381398; 18310 98311! 188100 3733833 C1131 11!00 381#12 @ 0 0 39833 80!! 0 !#33#32 # 0 00 w{xs38 1191393 939198993 83383(# 99339 38981 #33;3 w{ww38 83323 ! {ws30 3;3swsw 98318181 3s3s3 #00 ! 831313 {3{7; 023:3382 {s{39 33wsw3 ;w{{s{3 381!!80 ;33;3 ;33;3181!7 1 878 38338 331! 831!01!! 181"0 838312 73981# {;989 397933 3383180 3399s89 38338 1201! 3;s73 83381 91993 8101! 8833183! 8181! 338312 3s973 !hBHB 3s33;3 ;33833883 33833 8831833 !001!0 @B@BD 11800 38983 3s3381 (HBH``B 38831338 1833# 83983 8003! #!01# s9818 80301!2 ;339318 38130 882100 93s{;; s{;y38 389893933 ghxxzxx BH ! "'w" f`"" ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* `"" f`* ** f ** f ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* "'w" oCS\ f hplayhous.ico n7n7n7n7n7 :PHYSSIZE names ><> "" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Mercury Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto :PHYSSIZE The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto allieplay :PHYSSIZE alliel1 :PHYSSIZE alliel2 :PHYSSIZE alliewin :PHYSSIZE results buttonUp buttonUp Good! You scored 13 points out of 30.e correct.uires 13 points 4game replay goofy sound here buttonUp buttonUp replay The sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto 4game replay -- say goofy thing allieSpeech buttonUp buttonUp replay allieSpeech uplayLose allielose rePlay ellipse PlanetSpeech field PlanetSpeech mystName points waitTime speech sortNames The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto questions result keyDown replay 4zpath "c:\toolbook\playhous\" .sbk" (Zpath&" tbkMCIchk(" p&"yesno.wav alias winlose","",1) samples","",1) &"alliecom. ","",1) LeaveBook practice ("close W","") tbkBitmap(" &kid") saveAs Vstatus displayKid initGame 4game, questions, points, roundnum, result, try roundNum -- CREATE RANDOM LIST OF 10 QUESTIONS ci <= 10 table sortNames 4mystName, , speech -- MAIN GAME LOOP --After 10th , give results -- Ask the mistery planet PlanetSpeech mystname rePlay planetSpeech level ("stop "Congratulations!"& k&" All your answers were correct." allieComments congratulations >= 23 "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 17 "Very Good!"& VeryGood >= 11 >= 5 "Fair!"& >= 0 30."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, try, -- playwin alliewin -- Wrong playLose2 allielose -- Blink FillColor 0,0,0 0,100,0 waittime -- PRACTICE -- create list "The Sun" "Mercury" "Venus" jEarth" "Mars" "Jupiter" "Saturn" "Uranus" "Neptune" "Pluto" replay initGame enterBook rePlay saveAs results LeaveBook buttonup sortNames keyDown enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open yesno.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk zpath LeaveBook buttonup close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid initGame roundNum sortNames table questions points roundnum result Yresults PlanetSpeech mystname mystName questions roundNum speech rePlay planetSpeech mystName results stop winlose tbkMCI results Congratulations! All your answers were correct. ]EallieComments results Excellent! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Very Good! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Good! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 30. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments buttonup practice better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results ellipse (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay ellipse PlanetSpeech mystName points waitTime speech sortNames The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto questions result keyDown replay >= 0 30."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, try, -- playwin alliewin -- Wrong playLose2 allielose -- Blink FillColor 0,0,0 0,100,0 waittime -- PRACTICE -- create list "The Sun" "Mercury" "Venus" jEarth" "Mars" "Jupiter" "Saturn" "Uranus" "Neptune" "Pluto" replay initGame enterBook rePlay saveAs results LeaveBook buttonup sortNames keyDown enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open yesno.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk zpath LeaveBook buttonup close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid initGame roundNum sortNames table questions points roundnum result Yresults PlanetSpeech mystname mystName questions roundNum speech rePlay planetSpeech mystName results stop winlose tbkMCI results Congratulations! All your answers were correct. ]EallieComments results Excellent! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Very Good! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Good! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 30. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 30. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments buttonup practice better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results ellipse (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay ellipse field PlanetSpeech mystName points waitTime speech sortNames The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto questions result keyDown replay