arial Arial tbkMCIchk(" r&"file.wav alias count","",1) samples","",1) LeaveBook \("close enterBook LeaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk zpath LeaveBook close count tbkMCI Allie's Playhouse System Arial Arial Arial Times New Roman kMCIchk(" p&"yesNo.wav alias winlose","",1) samples","",1) &"alliecom. ","",1) LeaveBook practice ("close S","") tbkBitmap(" &kid") saveAs LeaveBook enterbook saveAs enterbook zpath c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk zpath playhous.sbk open yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk Zpath LeaveBook buttonUp close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice 4Zpath zpath "c:\toolbook\playhous\" .sbk" tbkMCIchk(" p&"yesNo.wav alias winlose","",1) samples","",1) &"alliecom. ","",1) LeaveBook practice ("close W","") tbkBitmap(" &kid") saveAs initGame 4game, points, roundnum, result, try roundNum -- CREATE RANDOM LIST OF 7 QUESTIONS ci <= 7 table sortNames 4mystName, questions, , speech -- MAIN GAME LOOP --After 7th , give results -- Ask the mystery continent ContinentsGameSpeech replay level ("stop "Congratulation!"& k&"All your answers were correct." -- Replace allieComments congratulations -- Play anim here >= 16 "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 12 "Very Good!"& veryGood >= 8 >= 4 "Fair!"& >= 0 21."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, try, -- playWin allieWin -- Increment Points -- Wrong playLose2 allieLose -- Blink one 3 tries FillColor 0,0,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 0,100,0 -- PRACTICE continentsDescSpeech -- create list "North America" "South "Europe" "Africa" "Asia" "Antarctica" "Australia" status kid displayKid enterbook replay results saveAs buttonup LeaveBook sortNames initGame keyDown enterbook zpath c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk zpath playhous.sbk open yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk Zpath LeaveBook buttonUp close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice initGame roundNum sortNames table points roundnum result Yresults A}ContinentsGameSpeech mystName questions roundNum speech replay A}ContinentsGameSpeech speech results stop winlose tbkMCI Congratulation! All your answers were correct. results ]EallieComments Excellent! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Very Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Fair! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments You scored points out of 21. Better luck next time... results ]EallieComments buttonup practice better veryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results irregularPolygon (NplayWin qdallieWin playLose2 allieLose uplayLose allieLose replay irregularPolygon field continentsDescSpeech continent results mystName points waitTime speech sortNames North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica Australia questions result status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown replay "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 12 "Very Good!"& veryGood >= 8 >= 4 "Fair!"& >= 0 21."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, try, -- playWin allieWin -- Increment Points -- Wrong playLose2 allieLose -- Blink one 3 tries FillColor 0,0,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 0,100,0 -- PRACTICE continentsDescSpeech -- create list "North America" "South "Europe" "Africa" "Asia" "Antarctica" "Australia" status kid displayKid enterbook replay results saveAs buttonup LeaveBook sortNames initGame keyDown enterbook zpath c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk zpath playhous.sbk open yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk Zpath LeaveBook buttonUp close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice initGame roundNum sortNames table points roundnum result Yresults IContinentGameSpeech mystName questions roundNum speech replay IContinentGameSpeech speech results stop winlose tbkMCI Congratulation! All your answers were correct. results ]EallieComments Excellent! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Very Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Fair! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments You scored points out of 21. Better luck next time... results ]EallieComments buttonup practice better veryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results irregularPolygon (NplayWin qdallieWin playLose2 allieLose uplayLose allieLose replay irregularPolygon continentsDescSpeech continent results mystName points waitTime speech sortNames North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica Australia questions result status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown replay 4Zpath playhouse .tbk") default buttonup buttonup playhous.tbk default playhouse Zpath :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8385,5745 "play" "practice" "names" initGame buttonUp buttonUp practice names j^initGame :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8385,3300 practice 4game "practice" "play" "names" buttonUp buttonUp practice names pobjects button id 68 of page id 0,paintObject id 69 of page id 0,rectangle id 95 of page id 0 pscript to handle buttonUp system game set game to false set invert of group "practice" to true set invert of group "play" to false show group "names" :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8385,2235 help continents buttonup buttonup continents 8385,3300 Antarctica Australia questions result status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown replay America Where is North America? South America Where is South America? Europe Where is Europe? Africa Where is Africa? Where is Asia? Antarctica Where is Antarctica? Australia Where is Australia? mystName sortNames North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica Australia questions result status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown replay p" ww `ff`f tor: MGXWM atible wit h PANSON24 ,Panasonic KX-P1124 "'w" hplayhous.ico PACIFIC OCEAN :PHYSSIZE North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica Australia :PHYSSIZE results buttonUp buttonUp Congratulation! All your answers were correct.xt time... points alliePlay ATLANTIC OCEAN x :PHYSSIZE alliel1 :PHYSSIZE alliel2 :PHYSSIZE alliewin :PHYSSIZE names SOUTH AMERICA EUROPE AFRICA AUSTRALIA SOUTH AMERICA EUROPE AFRICA AUSTRALIA ANTARCTICA NORTH AMERICA NORTH AMERICA ANTARCTICA continent North America continent South America continent Europe continent Africa continent continent Australia continent Antarctica INDIAN OCEANAN PACIFIC OCEAN continent continent North America South America continent Europe continent Africa continent continent Australia continent Antarctica 4game replay -- say goofy thing allieSpeech buttonUp buttonUp replay allieSpeech -- Ask the mystery continent ContinentsGameSpeech replay ContinentGameSpeech level ("stop "Congratulation!"& k&"All your answers were correct." -- Replace allieComments congratulations -- Play anim here >= 16 "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 12 "Very Good!"& veryGood >= 8 >= 4 "Fair!"& >= 0 21."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, try, -- playWin allieWin -- Increment Points -- Wrong playLose2 allieLose -- Blink one 3 tries FillColor 0,0,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 0,100,0 -- PRACTICE continentsDescSpeech -- create list "North America" "South "Europe" "Africa" "Asia" "Antarctica" "Australia" status kid displayKid enterbook replay results saveAs buttonup LeaveBook sortNames initGame keyDown enterbook zpath c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk zpath playhous.sbk open yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk Zpath LeaveBook buttonUp close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice buttonup practice saveAs buttonup practice initGame roundNum sortNames table points roundnum result Yresults A}ContinentsGameSpeech mystName questions roundNum speech replay IContinentGameSpeech speech results stop winlose tbkMCI Congratulation! All your answers were correct. results ]EallieComments Excellent! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Very Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Good! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments Fair! You scored points out of 21. results ]EallieComments You scored points out of 21. Better luck next time... results ]EallieComments buttonup practice better veryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results irregularPolygon (NplayWin qdallieWin playLose2 allieLose uplayLose allieLose replay irregularPolygon field continentsDescSpeech continent results mystName points waitTime speech sortNames North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica Australia questions result status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown replay