System mes New Roman Arial samples","",1) enterBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk zpath Allie's Playhouse Times New Roman Arial Arial arial Arial Times New Roman TBKWidgets 8close ","") terBook enterBook leaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open Zpath yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open Zpath alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk zpath status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid leaveBook close kid tbkBitmap close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI 4Zpath playhouse .tbk") default buttonup buttonup playhous.tbk default playhouse Zpath :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8370,5745 smileySel :PHYSSIZE help clock buttonup buttonup clock showTime 4showTime, game "daylight" "digi" "minutes" "colons" selectedTextLines "hours" buttonUp buttonUp daylight 080000am 090000am 120000pm 030000pm 040000pm 060000pm 080000pm 100000pm minutes colons hours minutes showTime :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8370,1755 4game initGame buttonUp buttonUp j^initGame :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 8370,2805 level 4level "play" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp level pscript to handle buttonUp set invert of self to false set invert of target to true pobjects button id 26 of background id 0,button id 27 of background id 0,button id 28 of background id 0 level1 level3 level2 8370,1755 J.KbK clockSpeech mrClock buttonUp buttonUp clockSpeech mrClock :PHYSSIZE question colons hours 4showTime, currentTime, game, level, gotHour newHour ) = 1 ("0"& newhour -- SAY the tbkMCI("status slot mode","") "playing" ","") sayTime updateClock <> 1 "question" 7440,540 checkWin buttonup buttonup newhour status slot mode tbkMCI playing stop slot tbkMCI ~GsayTime newhour updateClock question question ]checkWin newHour showTime currentTime level gotHour Minutes 4showTime, currentTime, game, gotHour -- SAY THE TIME sayTime oclock d <> updateClock "question" 6840,540 checkWin buttonup buttonup ~GsayTime ~GsayTime updateClock question question ]checkWin oclock showTime currentTime gotHour 080000AM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 82,5887 090000AM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 1095,5880 120000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 2115,5880 030000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech :PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 3135,5880 040000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech $:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 4155,5880 060000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech ):PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 5175,5880 080000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech .:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 6195,5880 100000PM setTime AllieClockSpeech buttonup buttonup EsetTime AllieClockSpeech 3:PHYSSIZE xyoffset item1 item2 p2 + p2 + buttondown buttonup buttondown item2 item1 xyoffset buttonup item2 item1 7215,5880 daylight 4showTime, currentTime sayTime am updateClock buttonUp buttonUp ~GsayTime ~GsayTime updateClock showTime currentTime 9:PHYSSIZE H::PHYSSIZE N;&;K; Mr. Clock clockSpeech digi buttonUp buttonUp clockSpeech <:PHYSSIZE DigitalTime ~=V={= 12:50 digitalAmpm AMgiAMPM z>R>w> hourLine minutesLine secsLine results buttonUp buttonUp Congratulations! All your answers were correct.t time... points allieplay 4game replay -- say goofy thing allieSpeech buttonUp buttonUp allieSpeech 4N:PHYSSIZE alliel1 N:PHYSSIZE alliel2 O:PHYSSIZE alliewin P:PHYSSIZE sayTime buttonUp buttonUp ~GsayTime oclock min30 min45 min15 min10 min20 min25 min35 min40 min50 min55 4oldHour,oldMinutes,oldSecs, currentTime hhminsecAMPM 4showTime updateClock radius, , game hour minutes secs ampm 1400 -- hands -- UPDATE ANALOG CLOCK hourAngle /12 + /60/12) * (2 * PI) - (PI / 2) minutesAngle /60) * (2 * PI) - (PI / 2) secsAngle /60) * (2 * PI) - (PI / 2) UsecsLine (ctr "dial"),\ + (.95 * )), \ (.95 * UminutesLine + (.8 * )), \ (.8 * UhourLine + (.6 * )), \ (.6 * DIGITAL digitime "digitalTime" "digitalAmPm" -- Update daylight setDaylight coords )/2,\ -- Set /Night night "moon" 6645,165 6915,210 7215,300 7395,390 7590,510 7725,615 7860,795 "sun" 5325,660 5565,465 5820,330 6105,240 6375,180 6645,165 6915,210 7215,300 7395,390 7590,510 7725,615 7860,795 5325,660 5565,465 5820,330 6105,240 6375,180 sysLockSCreen setTime newtime newTime selectedTextLines "hours" pdateClock setDaylight night enterpage updateClock setTime enterpage hhminsecAMPM oldHour oldMinutes oldSecs currentTime updateClock showTime updateClock secsLine ffffff ffffff minutesLine hourLine 333333 333333 h:min digitalTime digitalAmPm setDaylight digitime hourLine minutesLine secsLine secsAngle minutesAngle hourAngle minutes hhminsecAMPM oldHour oldMinutes oldSecs radius showTime currentTime coords setDaylight night night night night night night night night night night night night night setTime newTime hours minutes updateClock showTime currentTime newtime 4zpath, level "c:\toolbook\playhous\" .sbk" (Zpath&" tbkMCIchk(" &yesNo.wav alias winlose","",1) samples","",1) lalliecom. ","",1) slot. ","",1) "showTime" B"level1" tbkBitmap("status kid displayKid Gclose ","") ","") "question" saveAs initGame 4game, points, roundnum, result, try, roundNum -- CREATE RANDOM LIST OF 12 QUESTIONS ci <= 12 table -- REMOVE GRAPHICS "daylight" "digi" "sun" "moon" "minutes" "colons" U"minutesLine" U"secsLine" sortNames 4mystTime, questions, , currentTime -- MAIN GAME LOOP --After 12th , give results selectedTextLines "hours" -- Ask the mystery scrollHands updateClock , waitTime ("stop "Congratulations!"& k&"All your answers were correct." -- Replace fspeech allieComments congratulations >= 28 "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 21 "Very Good!"& verygood >= 14 >= 7 "Fair!"& >= 0 36."& k&"Better luck I..." better checkWin -- playWin allieWin -- Increment Points -- Wrong playLose2 allieLose -- Blink one 3 tries )/5)+1 -- replay -- create list "12"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "01"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "02"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "03"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "04"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "05"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "06"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "07"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "08"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "09"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "10"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" "11"&( (4)-1)*15&"00am" ) < 8 "12"& (11)*5&"00am" "01"& (11)*5&"00am" "02"& (11)*5&"00am" "03"& (11)*5&"00am" "04"& (11)*5&"00am" "05"& (11)*5&"00am" "06"& (11)*5&"00am" "07"& (11)*5&"00am" "08"& (11)*5&"00am" "09"& (11)*5&"00am" "10"& (11)*5&"00am" "11"& (11)*5&"00am" ) < 8 0","",1) yieldApp() + 15 = 60 -- INCREMENT MINUTES BY 15 newmin + 15 %"00" newMin default Blevel2 Blevel3 rBook initGame leaveBook results checkWin sortNames saveAs scrollHands enterBook keyChar enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open Zpath yesNo.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open Zpath alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk open Zpath slot.wav alias slot tbkMCIchk buttonUp showTime level level1 zpath level status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid leaveBook buttonUp showTime close kid tbkBitmap close allie tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close slot tbkMCI buttonUp showTime question saveAs buttonUp showTime question initGame roundNum daylight 080000am 090000am 120000pm 030000pm 040000pm 060000pm 080000pm 100000pm minutes colons minutes colons sortNames table points roundnum result showTime level Yresults hours minutes scrollHands updateClock question mystTime questions roundNum currentTime results stop winlose tbkMCI Congratulations! All your answers were correct. results ]EallieComments buttonup showTime results level level j^initGame Excellent! You scored points out of 36. results ]EallieComments Very Good! You scored points out of 36. results ]EallieComments Good! You scored points out of 36. results ]EallieComments Fair! You scored points out of 36. results ]EallieComments You scored points out of 36. Better luck next time... results ]EallieComments buttonup showTime better verygood excellent congratulations results points level waitTime checkWin (NplayWin qdallieWin playLose2 allieLose hours hours hours minutes hours minutes uplayLose allieLose hours minutes question level mystTime points waitTime currentTime sortNames 120000am 010000am 020000am 030000am 040000am 050000am 060000am 070000am 080000am 090000am 100000am 110000am i:to1 questions result level scrollHands 120000AM stop winlose tbkMCI play slot from 0 tbkMCIchk yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp newMin yieldApp updateClock yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp default newmin currentTime mystTime keyChar buttonup buttonup buttonup level3 level2 level1 level ""#"* ""33# ""#"#33 2""/"3 3"#""#23:" #3:#/# "3#33""3"" #""*3**3:# "*3"##: #22"##*""# 32"*"" :##"/ ":"#2" ?"*2" 2"2"/"/ 32"*"" "2"#2/"" /#"" ""2" ""//L "/"/$ r'wwp ""+""- DD@@D @DD@D DD@DOst @@DD@ D@D@@D@ @D@@D @D@D@ D@@D@@ D@@DD DD@D@@D DD@D@ @@D@DD @D@@D D@D@D D@DD@DD @DD@D@ DD@D@DD @D@@D DD@@D "'w" f`"" ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* `"" f`* ** f ** f ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* ff`* "'w" oCS\ f ]UUPK ]]UP# playhous.ico