Times New Roman Allie's Playhouse samples","",1) LeaveBook \("close enterBook LeaveBook enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk zpath LeaveBook close count tbkMCI lie's Playhouse System Arial Arial arial arial mes New Roman s alphaNames","",1) samples","",1) &"names. ","",1) LeaveBook ("close L","") tbkBitmap(" &kid") status displayKid playName _name ("stop ","") apple 5184","") LeaveBook enterBook playName enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open alphabet.wav alias alphaNames tbkMCIchk set alphaNames time format samples tbkMCIchk open names.wav alias names tbkMCIchk set names time format samples tbkMCIchk zpath LeaveBook close alphaNames tbkMCI close names tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid playName stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play names from 0 to 5184 tbkMCIchk apple _name F x !@!r! " #z# *~+F, :PHYSSIZE letters 4game, level playAlphaName buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp 9playAlphaName level buttonDown 4Upcase upperCase( lowerCase( buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp Upcase buttonDown A / a -- change phonetic buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown zeppelin zeppelin house house leaves leaves fence fence rabbit rabbit yo-yo yo-yo ice cream ice cream umbrella umbrella mushrooms mushrooms grass grass clouds clouds apple apple x-ray x-ray quilt quilt vegetables vegetables leaves leaves clouds zeppelin apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple leaves fence house fence quilt grass vegetables rabbit yo-yo ice cream umbrella mushrooms x-ray results buttonUp buttonUp Congratulations! All your answers were correct.uires 13 points allieplay buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp buttonDown t+:PHYSSIZE alliel1 <,:PHYSSIZE alliel2 -:PHYSSIZE alliewin -:PHYSSIZE question xailtables 4game replay -- say goofy thing allieSpeech buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp replay allieSpeech buttonDown initGame 4game, points, roundnum, result, try, level roundNum -- CREATE RANDOM LIST OF 26 QUESTIONS ci <= 26 table sortNames letters 4mystletter, questions, , speech -- MAIN GAME LOOP --After 10th , give results playSpeech1 mystLetter playSpeech2 playSpeech3 rePlay tbkMCI("stop winlose","") "Congratulations!"& k&" All your answers were correct." allieComments congratulations initgame "practice" >= 60 "Excellent!"& k&"You scored"&& k&"out excellent >= 45 "Very Good!"& VeryGood >= 30 >= 15 "Fair!"& >= 0 78."& k&"Better luck I..." better waitTime, -- names","") atus mode","") "playing" yieldApp() 0 ><> "" -- playwin alliewin -- -- Wrong playLose2 allielose -- Blink the one waittime -- PRACTICE 4upCase upcase upperCase( ","") tbkMCIchk(" 46208 75264 ","",1) playAlphaName ","") 21120 46208 ","",1) mystWord _word mystword "_"&_Word ","") 21120 ","",1) playName -- create list "apple" "boy" "clouds" "dog" "egg" "fence" "grass" "house" "ice cream" "jet" "kite" "leaves" "mushrooms" "nest" "owl" "pail" "quilt" "rabbit" "sun" "tree" "umbrella" "vegetables" "worm" "x-ray" "yo-yo" "zeppelin" initGame buttonup playSpeech1 rePlay playSpeech2 results playSpeech3 sortNames initGame roundNum sortNames letters table points roundnum result level Yresults playSpeech1 mystLetter playSpeech2 mystLetter playSpeech3 mystLetter mystletter questions roundNum level speech rePlay playSpeech1 playSpeech2 playSpeech3 mystLetter level roundNum questions results stop winlose tbkMCI results Congratulations! All your answers were correct. ]EallieComments results level level j^initgame buttonup practice results results Excellent! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Very Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 78. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results question question status names mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp status alphaNames mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp question question mystletter (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay j:to1 mytest mystLetter points waitTime speech level playSpeech1 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 46208 to 75264 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech2 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 21120 to 46208 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech3 mystword question _Word question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 0 to 21120 wait tbkMCIchk fplayName _word mystLetter mystWord sortNames apple clouds fence grass house ice cream leaves mushrooms quilt rabbit umbrella vegetables x-ray yo-yo zeppelin questions result level ndNum sortNames letters table points roundnum result level Yresults playSpeech1 mystLetter playSpeech2 mystLetter playSpeech3 mystLetter mystletter questions roundNum level speech rePlay playSpeech1 playSpeech2 playSpeech3 mystLetter level roundNum questions results stop winlose tbkMCI results Congratulations! All your answers were correct. ]EallieComments results level level j^initgame buttonup practice results results Excellent! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Very Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 78. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results question question status names mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp status alphaNames mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp question question mystletter (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay mytest mystLetter points waitTime speech level playSpeech1 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp play questions from 46208 to 75264 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech2 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp play questions from 21120 to 46208 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech3 mystword question _Word question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp play questions from 0 to 21120 wait tbkMCIchk fplayName _word mystLetter mystWord sortNames apple clouds fence grass house ice cream leaves mushrooms quilt rabbit umbrella vegetables x-ray yo-yo zeppelin questions result level 4zpath, level "c:\toolbook\playhous\" .sbk" (Zpath&" tbkMCIchk(" w&"alphabet.wav alias alphaNames","",1) samples","",1) &"alphqust. Kquestions","",1) &"names. ","",1) &"yesno. winlose","",1) &"alliecom. ","",1) B"level1" cleanUp saveAs practice LeaveBook ("close ","") ","") tbkBitmap(" Ykid") status displayKid key, isShift Blevel2 Blevel3 >= 65 <= 90 - 64) playAlphaName ) -- speak the keyboard - 64) $ - 64) playName _name ("stop ","") apple 5152","") 5152 10400","") clouds 10400 18976","") 18976 24480","") 24480 29088","") fence 29088 34848","") grass 34848 43168","") house 43168 49728","") cream" 49728 58368","") 58368 63616","") 63616 69664","") leaves 69664 79200","") mushrooms 79200 89664","") 89664 96000","") 96000 101152","") 101152 107264","") quilt 107264 113120","") rabbit 113120 117408","") 117408 125312","") 125312 131296","") umbrella 131296 138912","") vegetables 138912 148416","") 148416 154784","") "x-ray" 154784 164224","") "yo-yo" 164224 172128","") zeppelin 172190 179790","") ","") 5728","") 5728 10784","") 10784 16384","") 16384 20288","") 20288 24064","") 24064 28384","") 28384 33056","") 33056 38752","") 38752 44096","") 44096 49568","") 49568 54368","") 54368 58912","") 58912 64032","") 64032 69376","") 69376 74208","") 74208 78368","") 78368 83904","") 83904 87936","") 87936 93184","") 93184 97568","") 97568 102944","") 102944 108864","") 108864 116288","") 116288 122144","") 122144 128512","") 128512 133696","") ><> "" yieldApp() , game mode","") "playing" ><> "" -- This section traps user clicks on {instead a letter mytest r<> 0 -- If picture -- If ed on enterBook saveAs keyDown playName cleanUp playAlphaName buttonDown LeaveBook buttonUp enterBook c:\toolbook\playhous\ playhous.sbk Zpath playhous.sbk open alphabet.wav alias alphaNames tbkMCIchk set alphaNames time format samples tbkMCIchk open alphqust.wav alias questions tbkMCIchk set questions time format samples tbkMCIchk open names.wav alias names tbkMCIchk set names time format samples tbkMCIchk open yesno.wav alias winlose tbkMCIchk set winlose time format samples tbkMCIchk open alliecom.wav alias allie tbkMCIchk set allie time format samples tbkMCIchk level level1 zpath level 06cleanUp saveAs 06cleanUp cleanUp buttonup practice LeaveBook buttonup close allie tbkMCI close questions tbkMCI close winlose tbkMCI close alphaNames tbkMCI close names tbkMCI close kid tbkBitmap practice status kid window tbkBitmap displayKid keyDown buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonUp level3 level2 level1 level isShift playName stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play names from 0 to 5152 tbkMCIchk play names from 5152 to 10400 tbkMCIchk play names from 10400 to 18976 tbkMCIchk play names from 18976 to 24480 tbkMCIchk play names from 24480 to 29088 tbkMCIchk play names from 29088 to 34848 tbkMCIchk play names from 34848 to 43168 tbkMCIchk play names from 43168 to 49728 tbkMCIchk ice cream play names from 49728 to 58368 tbkMCIchk play names from 58368 to 63616 tbkMCIchk play names from 63616 to 69664 tbkMCIchk play names from 69664 to 79200 tbkMCIchk play names from 79200 to 89664 tbkMCIchk play names from 89664 to 96000 tbkMCIchk play names from 96000 to 101152 tbkMCIchk play names from 101152 to 107264 tbkMCIchk play names from 107264 to 113120 tbkMCIchk play names from 113120 to 117408 tbkMCIchk play names from 117408 to 125312 tbkMCIchk play names from 125312 to 131296 tbkMCIchk play names from 131296 to 138912 tbkMCIchk play names from 138912 to 148416 tbkMCIchk play names from 148416 to 154784 tbkMCIchk x-ray play names from 154784 to 164224 tbkMCIchk yo-yo play names from 164224 to 172128 tbkMCIchk play names from 172190 to 179790 tbkMCIchk zeppelin vegetables umbrella rabbit quilt mushrooms leaves house grass fence clouds apple _name playAlphaName stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play alphaNames from 0 to 5728 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 5728 to 10784 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 10784 to 16384 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 16384 to 20288 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 20288 to 24064 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 24064 to 28384 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 28384 to 33056 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 33056 to 38752 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 38752 to 44096 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 44096 to 49568 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 49568 to 54368 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 54368 to 58912 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 58912 to 64032 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 64032 to 69376 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 69376 to 74208 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 74208 to 78368 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 78368 to 83904 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 83904 to 87936 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 87936 to 93184 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 93184 to 97568 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 97568 to 102944 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 102944 to 108864 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 108864 to 116288 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 116288 to 122144 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 122144 to 128512 tbkMCIchk play alphaNames from 128512 to 133696 tbkMCIchk _name buttonDown level fplayName yieldApp buttonUp status names mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp mytest level "'w" # 0 3 030## 00 033 11 31 30323 3032 03##0! 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All your answers were correct. ]EallieComments results level level j^initgame buttonup practice results results Excellent! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Very Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Good! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results Fair! You scored points out of 78. ]EallieComments results You scored points out of 78. Better luck next time... ]EallieComments better VeryGood excellent congratulations results points level buttonup results results question question status names mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp status alphaNames mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp question question mystletter (Nplaywin qdalliewin playLose2 allielose waittime uplayLose allielose rePlay mytest mystLetter points waitTime speech level playSpeech1 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 46208 to 75264 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech2 upcase question question question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 21120 to 46208 wait tbkMCIchk 9playAlphaName upCase mystLetter playSpeech3 mystword question _Word question status winlose mode tbkMCI playing yieldApp stop alphaNames tbkMCI stop names tbkMCI play questions from 0 to 21120 wait tbkMCIchk fplayName _word mystLetter mystWord sortNames apple clouds fence grass house ice cream leaves mushrooms quilt rabbit umbrella vegetables x-ray yo-yo zeppelin questions result level