Email Pictures and Movies

Use this procedure to email pictures and movies in your collection to friends and family.

NOTE: When sending attachments to America Online or CompuServe recipients, multiple attachments are automatically separated into individual emails with one attachment per email.

1. Connect to your Internet Service Provider.

2. If you have

u Selected pictures and they are in the Pictures for task pane, click the Email tab.

u Not selected pictures, select the pictures in My Collection and then click the Email tab.

3. Optionally do any of the following in the Pictures to email pane.

Add pictures to task. Click the Get Pictures icon. You are returned to My Collection where you can select pictures and/or movies to add to the task.

Edit a picture. Select the picture and then click the Edit Picture icon. For information, click here.

Remove pictures from task. Select the pictures and/or movies and then click the Remove Selected Pictures icon.


4. Complete the To, Subject, and Message fields. To clear these files, click Clear Fields.

The From field shows your email address. You cannot clear or edit this field in the Email window. For information on changing your address, click here.

NOTE: Text in To, Subject, and Message fields can include any combination of letters (A through Z), numbers (0 through 9), supported symbols, and spaces. Do not use the following symbols in the To field, except as noted.

Backslash (\)

Less than (<)

Brackets [ ]

Quotation mark, single (� �)

Colon (:) except to separate multiple recipients in the To field

Quotation marks (" ")

Comma (,) except to separate multiple recipients in the To field

Parentheses ( )

Greater than (>)

Semi-colon (;)


u To field. Type an address or select one from the EasyShare Address Book.

u Type an address. Type a valid email address. A valid email address includes a name, the @ symbol, and a domain name and suffix. A sample valid address is

To include multiple recipients, separate each address either by pressing Enter or using a comma, semi-colon, or space. If you press Enter, each address is placed on a separate line. 

u Add from EasyShare Address Book. Click Address Book. Select each recipient and then click Done. The addresses are added to the To field separated by a comma. For more information, click here.

To remove an address, double-click it and then press the Delete key.

u Subject field. Optionally type a subject for your message. The subject can contain up to 255 characters.

u Message field. Optionally type your message.

5. Do any of the following as appropriate.

u Select picture size. Select one of the following. Movies are sent at their original size. The estimated mail size is shown in this section.

u Best for email (the default) reduces the picture size for faster sharing. This setting applies only to still pictures.

u Original maintains the original picture size for better print quality.

Some Internet Service Providers limit the size of attachments that can be sent and received. For example, emails 2 MB and larger may be blocked or the attachments stripped. Limit the number of large pictures you send at one time to ensure the message is delivered.

u Keep a copy of message. Select Send a copy of the message to me.

6. Click Send.

While your pictures are being sent, an Email icon appears in the right-hand corner of the status bar. Double-click the icon to display the Task Status window, which shows thumbnails of the pictures and the task status. To cancel sending a message, select the email task in the Task column and click Cancel.  For information on the Task Status window, click here.

To place the task on the To Do List at any time, click Create To Do. For more information, click here.