Select Inkjet Printer Options

Use this procedure to adjust for a different aspect ratio between the selected picture and layout, to turn on the One Touch to Better Pictures feature, and to check for an update for your printer.

1. On the Print at Home toolbar, click Options.

2. Do the following as appropriate.

u Adjust for different aspect ratios. Select either Fill or Fit. The preview area is redrawn to reflect your selection.

u Fill (the default) places the picture in the layout so it fills the entire picture opening. In cases where the aspect ratio of the picture does not match the aspect ratio of the layout, a portion of the picture is trimmed so the picture fills the entire layout opening.

u Fit places the picture in the layout so the entire picture fits the opening. This option usually creates a white border on two sides of the picture to maintain the aspect ratio of the picture.

u One Touch to Better Pictures is automatically turned on when you select KODAK Ultima Picture Paper or KODAK Premium Picture Paper and your printer driver is supported. To turn off the automatic optimization, select No.

u Check for One Touch to Better Pictures update. Click Update. Your Internet browser is started and the One Touch to Better Pictures Web site is displayed.

3. Click OK.