Change the default font in Access

I have e-mailed you on this issue previously and I think you were as baffled as I was as to a solution! The issue was: is it possible to change the default font for forms, tables or reports in Microsoft Access? I thought you might like to know that I have found a way to do this.

Using the Access AutoFormat function, you have the ability to format your forms based on the current selection.

To set new forms to use a particular font and style:

1. Set up a form with formatting the way you want it.

2. While in Design view, select FormatûAutoFormat.

3. Select Customize from the subsequent dialogue box.

4. Select Create a new AutoFormat based on the Form [form name].

Caption: Customise the Access AutoFormat command to create new formatting schemes

When you create new forms, you will have the option to format them exactly the same as the current form. This formatting applies to bold type in label boxes, font settings in text boxes etc.

Thanks for your helpful tips in the past and I hope you find this useful.

û Steven Woolston

Category:Data management
Issue: September 1998

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