Create quick lines in WordPerfect

If you need to create a horizontal or vertical line or rule quickly in WordPerfect 6.1 or later, place the cursor where you want the line to appear, and press <Ctrl>-<F11> for a horizontal line or <Ctrl>-<Shift>-<F11> for a vertical line. By default, the line will extend from margin to margin.

In Versions 6.1 and 7, you can't enable this feature unless you've already entered text or blank spaces on the page, since you must position the cursor where you want the line. In Version 8, however, the new Shadow Cursor lets you click anywhere on the page, even before typing, so you can set up lines on a blank page using the technique described above.

To move or format one of these lines, move the mouse pointer slowly over the line until it changes into an arrow, then click. Now you can drag the selected line to a new location or double-click it to access the Edit Graphics Line dialogue box.

û George Campbell

Category:Word processing
Issue: September 1998

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