Remove extraneous text from Word documents

Q My Word 7 files have suddenly started to show information that I think is for the program's use and should not be displayed. Style information, printer and font details etc are appearing at the end of my document.

û Don Trott

A Don e-mailed this query to the Help Screen and then found the solution before we did. Thanks, Don!

Caption: Word's Recover Text from Any File option can be a lifesaver ù but don't forget to turn it off!

Recent versions of Microsoft Word include a converter which can help you recover text from damaged files. To activate this capability, choose FileûOpen, click the down arrow in the Files of type: field and select Recover Text from Any File (*.*). Unfortunately, once you have made this selection, Word assumes that you want this option turned on in perpetuity. Open a "healthy" file with the Recover Text option enabled and you will see a page or more of Word formatting information tacked onto the end of your document. And any formatting that you may have applied to the document during an earlier editing session will be missing. The solution? Revisit the Open dialogue box and reset the Files of type: field to Word Documents (*.doc).

û Neville Clarkson

Category:Word processing
Issue: September 1998

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