DUN with password hassles?

Think installing Windows 98 will bring relief from Dial-Up Networking annoyances? Think again. Windows 95's refusal to store DUN passwords often recurs in Windows 98. You'll find advice on curing this woe in a Microsoft tech support article at support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q148/9/25.asp.

One solution is to rename your username.pwl and rna.pwl files, then restart Windows and let it create new ones. (Hint: rename one file at a time, restarting Windows after each change. Also, some systems lack rna.pwl files.) You can confirm that password caching (saving) is enabled by opening the Registry (click StartûRun and type regedit) and looking through it for the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Network\DisablePwdCaching. (Warning: don't edit the Registry unless you've backed it up and you know what you're doing!) Alternatively, deleting Dial-Up Networking and then reinstalling sometimes brings relief.

û Judy Heim

Issue: October 1998

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