
There seems to be no end to the security holes found in Internet Explorer (IE). Before releasing this information to the public some security experts are now privately notifying so they can be repaired. This recently occurred in late July with the Malformed E-mail Header exploit in Outlook Express. The hole allows a malicious code to be hidden in the message header. You didnÆt even need to open the message in Outlook Express to run the code û just receiving the e-mail was sufficient. In addition to this issue, if you are using an older version of IE, the number of patches to fix various problems can take considerable time to locate, download and install. The simplest solution is to update to IE and Outlook Express to version 5.5 from this monthÆs CD or The latest incarnation includes a swag of fixes and updates for IE and add-on components such as Outlook Express (which according to the Microsoft site fixes the header issue mentioned above).

Category:Bugs and fixes
Issue: October 2000

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