Looking for orphaned .DLLs

In response to Barry Vanderburg's letter (Determining folder sizes, February 1998, p158) on .dll files, I have found a small freeware utility called Clean System Directory which actually identifies the .dll files that have no programs "calling on them" so you can delete them. Scary! I tried it about four months ago, backed up six floppies of "unused" .dll files, then deleted them from the system directory. As my hard drive is using FAT32, it cleared quite a bit of space and I haven't had any problems running my existing programs. Clean System Directory can be found at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~kevsol/sware.html [and on this month's cover CD].

Clean System scans the Windows system folder for redundant .dll files and moves them to a backup folder

- Tracey Church

Category: Win95, Windows 3.x
Issue: Apr 1998

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