Stop automatic Web links

In the latest word processors, it's a snap to add a different kind of hyperlink -- one that points to another document anywhere on the Internet or on your intranet. In fact, Word 97 and WordPerfect 8 create hyperlinks automatically by default when you type an Internet address -- click on the link, and you go directly to that location on the Net. But sometimes this feature can be a pain. If you don't want it, here's how to turn it off.
Word 97. Select Tools--AutoCorrect. Click the Autoformat As You Type tab in the AutoCorrect dialogue box. Next, clear the Internet and network paths with hyperlinks check box, and then click OK.
To deactivate a hyperlink in a Word 97 document -- whether it was created manually or automatically -- right-click the hyperlink, select Hyperlink--Edit Hyperlink, and click the Remove Link button in the Edit Hyperlink dialogue box.
WordPerfect 8. Select Tools--QuickCorrect. Click the QuickLinks tab in the QuickCorrect dialogue box. Uncheck the Format words as hyperlinks when you type them check box, and click OK.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 169-170

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