Make long documents easier to navigate

Do you write long documents that will be distributed on a network rather than on paper? Make life easier for your readers by adding navigational aids. Word 97 and WordPerfect Versions 7 and 8 offer simple tools for creating hypertext links that let readers jump quickly to any location in the document.
Word 97. As you create your document, mark headings, subheadings, and other important locations as bookmarks. To do this, position the cursor at the location you want to mark, then select Insert--Bookmark. In the Bookmark dialogue box, type a unique name for the bookmark, inserting an underscore character between each word, and click Add.

Insert hyperlinks for important sections to help your readers navigate a long document

Once you've created your bookmarks, you can create hypertext links to them. First, highlight the text you want to use as a hyperlink; for example, you might use the words Chapter 7 as the link to Chapter 7 itself. Select Insert--Hyperlink (or press <Ctrl>-k). In the Insert Hyperlink dialogue box, click Browse in the lower half of the dialogue box, select the appropriate bookmark in the Bookmark dialogue box, and click OK twice to finish the job. Your highlighted text will appear underlined and in a different colour in the text. Repeat this step as needed to create links to all your bookmarks.
WordPerfect 7 and 8. As you create your document, mark its headings, subheadings, and other important locations as bookmarks. To do this, place the cursor where you want the bookmark. Select Tools--Bookmark (if you're using Version 8) or Insert--Bookmark (if you're using Version 7). Then click Create, type a name for the bookmark, and click OK.
To create hypertext links to your bookmarks, highlight the text you want to use as a hyperlink, and select Tools--Hyperlink (in Version 8) or Tools--Hypertext/Web Links (in Version 7). In WordPerfect 8, click the Bookmark drop-down list in the Hyperlink Properties dialogue box, then select the appropriate bookmark and click OK to create the link. In WordPerfect 7, click Create on the Hypertext tool bar. Select Bookmark in the Create Hypertext Link dialogue box, then choose a bookmark after pulling down the associated list. Click OK to mark the selected text as a hypertext link.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 169

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