Use AutoText to AutoSign

Q I believe that in one of your earlier issues there were details on how to add a signature as a bitmap and use it in Word by typing in mysig. Unfortunately I have mislaid the copy it was in -- par for the course! It used to work fairly well, too. I'd be glad if you could let me know how to do it.
- Graham Johnson

A Well, if we have covered this before, I can't find it either, so let's examine the problem afresh!
Word's AutoText feature will do the job. Just follow these steps:
1. Open a new document in Word and insert your bitmap file using Insert--Picture--From File.
2. Click on the bitmap to select it, then choose Edit--AutoText. In the Name box type mysig, and click on the Add button.
To insert your signature in a document, type mysig, and press <F3>. Your bitmapped signature will replace the word "mysig".

Word's AutoText feature can handle graphics as well as text

- Belinda Taylor

Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 160-162

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