More on repairing the registry

Just thought I'd add something to Repairing the registry (November 97, p172) concerning the Win 95 "Registry Error" message while loading. As well as the fixes mentioned, this error can be caused by faulty hardware as I found out by accident.
I added another 32Mb SDRAM to my computer, and, after rebooting Win 95, came up with the dreaded registry error. After loading the backup copy of the registry, Win 95 still had the same problem. I tried both 32Mb SDRAM modules in another computer and they worked fine. When I installed another HDD (with Win 95 already loaded) in my computer, Windows came up with same registry error. Put the HDD back in the other computer, and there was no problem at all!
I changed the motherboard in my computer, rebooted, and Win 95 was happy again. The second DIMM slot was faulty (although it worked fine under DOS), and this, for some reason, caused the registry error. Ketan might just want to make sure his hardware is OK, as it seems that when the backup registry fails also, it could be a hardware problem.
- Andrew McKellar

Category: Win95
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 152-154

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