IE 4 forgets my password

Q I just downloaded Internet Explorer 4 and, with the help of my ISP, configured it to run, but each time I log on I have to re-enter my password. When I double-click the Explorer icon on my desktop, the Connect dialogue box appears as it should, but the option to remember my password is blanked out, and I have to enter it manually every time. How do I make IE4 remember my password?
- James Morgan de Laine

A Interestingly, the problem is actually with Windows 95, not Internet Explorer 4, and has only recently surfaced because more people are relying on Windows 95's networking features to connect to their ISPs. It usually occurs because the Client for Microsoft Networks isn't installed on your PC. Check this by choosing Start--Settings--Control Panel--Network. If Client for Microsoft Networks is not listed, choose Add--Client, and click Add. From the Manufacturers list select Microsoft, and from the Network Clients list select Client for Microsoft Networks, then click OK. After rebooting, the Save Password option in the Connect dialogue box should be enabled.

If Internet Explorer 4 won't save your password, install the Client for Microsoft Networks

- Belinda Taylor

Category: Internet
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 152

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