IE 4 vs Microsoft Fax

Q In the last seven weeks I have had a run of bad luck caused by IE 4. After weeks of crashes, files vanishing and then my computer supplier went belly up I was forced to phone up a mobile technician.
I have had the hard drive reformatted twice, and was told by the technician that the problems I was having were being caused by IE 4.
Now I have a new problem with Microsoft Fax. When using the program I get this error:
"The following unrecoverable error has occurred: Internal MAPI error: The information service cannot be added to the profile using the Inbox Setup Wizard. Contact your administrator."
Is there anything you can suggest to fix this problem as I'm unemployed and I can't afford $50 per visit.
- Gary McSweeney

AThere's nothing more irritating than an error message which invites you to contact your administrator. Especially if you don't have an administrator, or if you happen to be the administrator. But at least the message you've been experiencing provides a clue (of sorts) as to what the problem might be.
I'm not sure if I have the answer, but I came across a workaround that may get you back on track. According to Microsoft, the message you describe is most likely to occur if you are running the Inbox Setup Wizard and click the Back button to change information you entered previously. To pick up the pieces, try restarting the Inbox Setup Wizard. If that doesn't work, remove Windows Messaging (with Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs applet) and reboot Windows 95. Finally, reinstall Microsoft Fax.
- Neville Clarkson

Category: Internet, Communications
Issue: Apr 1998

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