Installing Visual FoxPro

After using Visual FoxPro's Setup Wizard program, I am having the following problem. When I try to install the distribution program on another computer, I see these error messages on the screen:
"Object ID 37: CopyFile-like Object: Bad INF Key data value"
The same type of message (with a different ID code) keeps appearing, until, after pressing the OK button quite a number of times, setup is terminated with an "incomplete install" message.
Can you advise me how to solve this problem?
- KF Hon

This is a problem with Version 3.0b of Microsoft's Visual FoxPro for Windows and is caused by a conflict with older FoxPro files.
If an older version of Visual FoxPro is installed on your computer, the solution is to delete all the files in the \Distrib folder before running the Setup Wizard.
- Neville Clarkson

Category: Data management
Issue: Jan 1998
Pages: 161

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