Confessions of a beta test dummy

Well, I guess it is a rather common theme, and despite my knowledge of the facts I just became another test bunny.
Several weeks ago I downloaded the beta version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 4.0. That's OK, I know that betas are rough and have problems, but it was worth a look, I thought. Yes, you guessed it -- my system had a few minor convulsions. Not too bad though -- the only real drama was that I could not shut down Outlook, and Outlook Express would not send anything via e-mail. So after having a play for a week or two I decided to uninstall IE 4.0 and wait for the public release.
When I heard that the release had happened, and seen all those alluring ads on the various Web sites, I spent another three hours filling BG's pockets and downloaded the public release of IE 4.0. To my dismay, Outlook still won't shut down and I can't e-mail from any application. So I jump on to the MSN support number for a fix. I should have seen it coming, but I ducked right into it: "Sorry, Sir, but IE 4.0 is not compatible with MSN yet! If you wait another month you can get the CD."
After venting my frustrations on the unfortunate guy at Tech Support (please accept my apologies if you're reading this) I have promptly uninstalled IE 4.0, written this, and now intend to investigate an alternative to MSN.
So for all those poor souls out there that have made the download, I feel for you and hope you have had better luck.
Once bitten, twice shy.

Neville Clarkson adds: Thanks for your letter, Adrian. You're not the first person to have taken up the IE 4.0 challenge and lost, and as a user of Outlook 97 and Outlook Express, the odds are stacked against you.
The problem is, Outlook Express isn't compatible with older versions of MSN software. The CD which your beleaguered Tech Support person suggested you wait for includes the latest version of MSN (2.5), and should have been issued free of charge to most, if not all, MSN subscribers by the time you read this. Version 2.5 should coexist quite happily with Outlook Express.
However, if you install MSN 2.5 and expect to make further use of Outlook 97, you are in for a nasty shock, because 2.5 doesn't work properly with Outlook. A Catch-22? Not quite, but you will need to download a fix -- either the final release of the Internet Mail Enhancement Patch ( or the Office 97 Service Release 1 Patch ( ), which includes the mail patch and a range of other updates. With either of these bandaids installed, you stand a fighting chance of being able to run Outlook Express, Outlook 97 and MSN 2.5 on a single PC. Then you should be right until MSN 3.0 comes out. Or Outlook 98. . .
- Adrian Rawlings and Neville Clarkson

Category: Internet
Issue: Jan 1998
Pages: 153

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