Speed Office 97 by turning off file logging

Have you noticed that opening and closing your Word and Excel files takes longer since you upgraded to Office 97? The latest edition of the suite includes a new feature, enabled by default within Outlook, that logs all of your Word and Excel file operations. Unfortunately, this really slows things down. According to reader David Barton, the problem gets worse if you use macros that open and close several files. One of Barton's Excel macros that ran in 30 seconds in Office 95 took more than 40 minutes in Office 97. The solution is to turn this feature off. In Outlook, choose Tools--Options, select the Journal tab, and uncheck Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel in the Also record files from: box.
- Scott Spanbauer

To speed up file operations in Word and Excel, turn off file-logging

Category: Word processing, Spreadsheet
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 178

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