Split the screen to work on two parts of a document

There are times when it's useful to see two parts of the same document simultaneously -- when you're working on the introduction and the conclusion, for example. The split screen feature in both Word and Word Pro allows you to do just that. (Current versions of WordPerfect don't include this feature.) With a split screen, cutting text from Page 1 and pasting it to Page 10, for example, is easy when both pages appear on screen at the same time. Here's how to split up your work in Word and Word Pro:
Word 6.0, 7.0, and 97: Open the document and select Window--Split. Drag the grey dividing line to the point on the editing window where you want the screen divided, then click to split the screen. You can scroll through the document in either of the new windows, and drag selected text or other objects between the windows. To remove the split screen, select Window--Remove Split.
Word Pro 96 and 97: Open the document and select View--Split Top-Bottom. Word Pro will divide the screen into equal-size windows. You can scroll through either editing window independently, and drag text or other objects between the windows. When you're finished working in this mode, select View--Clear All Splits to restore the single window.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 174

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