Lotus SmartSuite 97 seasonal updates

Microsoft's isn't the only suite in need of a little maid service. Lotus has quietly posted a collection of minor fixes to problems in 1-2-3, Freelance Graphics, Approach, and Word Pro. To download the patches, go to the Lotus Support Services Web page (http://www.support.lotus.com), then click the SmartSuite Interim Update Program link. Until Lotus replaces its summer collection of patches with a promised fall edition, here's what you'll find:
1-2-3. A 1.8Mb patch fixes miscalculations in four @functions -- @IRR (Internal Rate of Return), @MIRR (Modified Internal Rate of Return), @NPV (Net Present Value), and @NSUM (Summation of every nth value).
Freelance Graphics. A 1.8Mb patch lets you import JPEG files and improves TeamMail, chart display, and printer support.
Approach. A 2.7Mb patch improves SQL and ODBC support and smooths data export when using macros.
Word Pro. A 5.6Mb update improves printing and file filters and adds a document viewer and import filter for Lotus Notes 4.x. A document viewer for cc:Mail lets you examine and import files created in Word Pro 96 and 97.
- Scott Spanbauer

Category: Bugs and fixes
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 171

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