Slash WordPerfect file size

If you have a template that contains a graphic, such as your company's logo, odds are that documents you create from that template are larger than they need to be. By default, WordPerfect 6.1 and 7 save the graphic in each document. But you'll save tonnes of space if you link the graphic to the document instead. Here's how.
1. Close all documents and select File--New. In the New Document dialogue box, click once on the name of the template you want to alter, click Options, then select Edit Template from the drop-down list.
2. Click the graphic in the template, then press <Delete> to get rid of it.
3. Select Graphics--Image. Locate the graphic in the Insert Image dialogue box, and click once on its filename. To avoid storing the graphic in each document, check the Image on disk box, then click Insert (OK in Version 6.1).
4. Move and resize the graphic if necessary.
5. When you're finished, select File--Save, then File--Close.
From now on, documents created with this template will store the location of the graphic file instead of the graphic itself.
- George Campbell

Instead of saving a graphic in a template, save a link to it so the graphic isn't saved with every document

Category: Word processing
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 170

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