Finding the right path

When I first installed Win95, I was running QEMM [memory management software], and then later -- due to conflicts -- I removed it. Now when I exit to DOS, and Windows tries to load the drivers for mscdex.exe and the mouse, they are prefixed with the old QEMM paths and so do not load. Now I realise this should be an easy problem to fix if only I could find the right command lines to edit! The autoexec.bat and config.sys don't seem to have them, so are they in the registry? If so, where? As this can be a Pandora's box, I would rather have a better idea on where to look before I go fiddling! Any light you can shed on this perplexing subject would be greatly appreciated.
- Brett Kidd

If your system is configured to dual-boot with MS-DOS, you will find that in addition to config.sys and autoexec.bat, you have a config.dos and autoexec.dos file lurking in your root directory. When you boot MS-DOS, Windows deftly changes the filename extensions to config.sys and autoexec.bat respectively. My guess is, the statements you wish to edit are hiding in these .DOS files.
- Neville Clarkson

Category: Win95
Issue: Sep 1997
Pages: 154

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