Plus! pack woes

I have searched your site, and as a subscriber I cannot find the answer to this question in past issues. I have reinstalled Windows 95 over the top of a previous installation. The previous installation also had the Plus! pack installed. After the new installation, the logon script to my ISP no longer worked. When I tried to install the Plus! pack again, Windows 95 would not allow the installation as it said it was already installed. When I went to the Add/Remove programs function in the Control Panel and chose to remove the Plus! pack, it gave an error message. I also noticed a number of other programs in the Add/Remove programs list that I had uninstalled manually and were now still listed.
How do I remove these old listings and get the Plus! pack to install again?
- Ian Price

It?s good to avoid a complete reinstallation of Windows 95 where possible, so installing Windows 95 over the top of an existing installation is desirable. However, it doesn?t always go as planned. When I tried installing 95 over an existing installation, I managed to get everything in the Plus! pack going except for Dial-Up Scripting. Downloading and installing the Dial-up Scripting addition ( from Microsoft?s Web site fixed this problem and I was ready to go again. Obsolete references in the Add/Remove programs list can be removed by Tweak UI, one of Microsoft's PowerToys utilities. This can be downloaded from

Obsolete references in the Add/Remove programs list can be removed by Tweak UI

In your case, there is probably enough legacy junk on your system to warrant a reinstallation of Windows into a fresh directory, followed by a reload of your application software from scratch. This boring but necessary maintenance task often produces surprising performance improvements.
- Tony Locke

Category: Win95
Issue: Sep 1997
Pages: 152

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