Keep Word files your style

It happens all the time. You receive a Word file from someone and open it in your copy of Word, only to find that it's formatted in a weird-looking font called CartoonText, with strange indentations to boot. The creator of the document has modified the default settings in their file, saving personal preferences with the document. When you open the file, Word selects formatting as close to the sender's intentions as possible.
To force Word to use your styles rather than the sender's, just select File--Close to get the strange-looking document off your screen. Select File--New, and double-click the Blank Document icon (in Word 6.0, Normal) to open a new, empty document. Then select Insert--File and select the document you want to view. Word will adapt the document to your style settings. Select File--Save As and save the document with a new file name.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Aug 1997
Pages: 172

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