Which fdisk?

Regarding the partitioning difficulties described in the article On the trail of the missing megs (June 1997, p152), the problem is most likely due to the use of a different version of fdisk to adjust the disk partitions. The question states that DOS 5 was the original OS but DOS 6.2 was used for fdisk. Norton Utilities advises that the original fdisk version should be used to adjust partitions. In fact, since the 80Mb disk was partitioned into three drives, it is likely that DOS 3.3 or earlier was originally used (32Mb maximum partition size supported).
I recall getting some very strange responses from a drive when attempting to fdisk an old drive using Win95. Simply using the correct version of fdisk fixed things up immediately.
- Rob Megarrity

Category: Hardware
Issue: Aug 1997
Pages: 162-164

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