Better Web pages in WordPerfect 7

WordPerfect 7 does a good job of converting its documents into HTML format, preparing them for the World Wide Web. But you have to follow some basic rules to get the best results.
Rather than formatting each line individually, apply heading styles instead. WordPerfect looks at the style selected for the text rather than at the applied formatting, which can vary.
Place your cursor in the line you want to format, then click the Styles drop-down list on the toolbar or select Format--Styles, and choose a preset heading style -- Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on.
If you format your document with these styles, WordPerfect converts them into the appropriate heading styles for Web pages when you save the file in HTML format.
If the preset heading styles don't suit you, modify them by selecting Format--Styles. Choose the style you want to modify, then select Edit. In the Styles Editor dialogue box, modify the style to suit your normal format. This can also dramatically speed up creation of your documents by cutting down on formatting time.
- George Campbell

Save WordPerfect formatting to your Web page by applying styles from this list

Category: Word processing
Issue: Jun 1997
Pages: 178

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