Creating named ranges in WordPerfect tables

It's much easier to create formulas in WordPerfect tables if you name the table ranges, as you would in a spreadsheet program. This lets you create formulas such as Sum(Prices), rather than typing the actual cell addresses -- for example, +Sum(A1:A10) -- into the formula. Furthermore, as your table changes and you insert rows or columns, your named ranges automatically adjust to the new table dimensions.
To give a group of cells a name, follow these six easy steps:
1. Drag the mouse over the cells to highlight them.
2. Select Table--Names.
3. In the Table Names dialogue box, select Create.
4. In the Create Name dialogue box, type the desired range name in the Enter name manually text box, then click OK.
5. Click Close to return to your table.
6. Repeat as necessary to create additional named ranges.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Jun 1997
Pages: 178

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