Problems uploading Web pages

I hope you can help me. I have recently put together a home page which I have successfully put on the server of my ISP. My problem is that now I want to edit one of the pages (I am using frames and I want to edit the page that contains all the information) to reflect a counter. (Yes I am optimistic, but you never know). I am using two FTP clients -- WSFTP32 and CuteFTP32 -- but both refuse to let me send a page to the server with the same name as one that already exists. Is this normal or is it a local ISP setting? If it is normal, how do I go about editing pages in the future? If I change the name of the content file, I will need to edit the frame.html that points to it. I hope you see my problem.
- Gordon Haywood

I do see the problem and it certainly isn't "normal"! If the server won't let you modify or replace files, ask your ISP to check your permissions on the directory. My guess is they're protecting your work so avidly, they have inadvertently denied you access too.
- Neville Clarkson

Category: Internet
Issue: Jun 1997
Pages: 158

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