Templates built to last

Customising Word with macros, autotext entries, customised toolbars and menus can be done by modifying the normal.dot template. This can cause problems if you want to remove your templates and still keep your settings, or if you want give others your macros, and toolbars.
A better way is to create your own global templates. To add a global template select File--Templates and click the Add button in the Global templates and add-ins box. You will then need to choose the template you which to make global. This template will be added to the list of global templates. Unfortunately the template is not loaded automatically -- the next time you wish to use this template you will need to check it in the Global templates and add-ins box.
We can get around this problem by copying the global template to the Word startup directory \office95\winword\startup. Word automatically loads and activates any global templates in this startup directory, so the next time you start Word all your customised toolbars, menus and macros will be there.

Category: Digital Helpline, Word processing
Issue: May 1997
Pages: 178

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