Create vertical letterheads in Word

Many organisations and professional firms like their letterheads to run vertically down one side of the page, so as to include the names of executives, partners, the board of directors, or other staff. In Word 6 and 7, creating such letterheads is simple.
1. Select View--Zoom, click Whole Page, then click OK. You need to see the whole page to create your letterhead area.
2. Select Insert--Frame, and click and drag the mouse on the page to create a vertical frame. Click on one of the sizing handles to adjust the frame's size and position. You can position the frame outside the normal margins, but be sure to allow for your printer's minimum side margins, about one centimetre.
3. Select View--Zoom, choose your normal zoom level (typically 100 per cent), and click OK in the Zoom dialogue box.
4. Click inside the frame you just created, and type the information you want to include. Select font sizes that allow you to fit your text within the narrow column.
5. Click inside the frame, and select Format--Borders and Shading. Word's default frame settings are ideal for this. The text of your letter will automatically wrap itself around this information frame.
6. When your design is done, select File--Save As, choose Document Template in the Save as type list, enter a file name in the File name field, and click Save.
Whenever you need this letterhead, select File--New and choose your letterhead template from the New dialogue box.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: May 1997
Pages: 164

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