Unbuttoning Norton's Quick Access groups

The Norton Desktop for Windows 3.x has a nifty space-saving feature that lets you turn your Quick Access groups (the equivalent of Program Manager groups) into toolboxes. Application icons will then appear as buttons without the usual (and often redundant) text underneath.
To implement this feature, just double-click the icon of the group you want to open and choose Options--View Group As. Select Toolbox from the resulting drop-down list, and click OK.
But what if you change your mind? In Toolbox view, the menu for your group disappears, leaving you to wonder how you can ever get it back.
In Toolbox view, the View Group As command is on the control menu. Just click the control menu box, choose View Group As, and change to a less crowded view of your icons.
To make all groups appear in the same view (List, Icon, or Toolbox), in the View Group As dialogue box check Change All Groups; then click OK.
- Scott Dunn

Category: Windows 3.x
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 173

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