The root of the problem in Calculator

If you use the Windows Calculator program, you may have been stymied (and surprised) by its lack of a square root button in Scientific mode. To see what I mean, launch Calculator and choose View--Standard. The sqrt button is plainly visible near the upper-right corner. But choose View--Scientific, and the button disappears. The problem and solution are the same in both the Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 versions of Calculator. Although it requires a few more keystrokes or mouse clicks, you can still calculate a square root in Scientific mode without jumping through too many hoops.
First, enter as you usually would a number for which you need the square root. Then select the Inv check box and click the x^2 button. For the keyboard equivalent, press I followed by @. If that's too many keystrokes, you can always use Windows Recorder in Windows 3.x to shorten the steps to a single function key.
- Scott Dunn

Category: Win95, Windows 3.x
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 168

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