Skip Schedule plus log-on

I want to put a shortcut to Schedule+ in my Startup folder so I can see my schedule whenever I start Windows 95. Unfortunately, Schedule+ asks for a user name and a password each time it starts up, and it doesn't appear to accept any command-line parameters.
I managed to prevent the password dialogue box from appearing by making the password blank. But I still have to click OK or press <Enter> to accept the user name (which appears automatically in the Schedule+ log-on dialogue box). Is there some way to automate the entire process?
- Dan Liggett

It would have been so easy to add this little tidbit to the program's documentation or on-screen help, but no, you have to do it yourself.
Right-click the Start button, select Explore, and navigate to your Schedule+ shortcut (you'll find it in c:\windows\start menu\programs).Right-click the shortcut, select Properties, and click the Shortcut tab. To the end of the Target command line, add /U username. You can also add /P password to launch a password-protected Schedule+ file.
Obviously, anyone with access to your computer can open your Schedule+ calendar, but no one can read the file from another networked computer.
- Scott Spanbauer

Category: Win95
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 166

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