Find the missing buttons in Norton Navigator

The Norton file Manager that comes with Symantec's Norton Navigator for Windows 95 features a customisable toolbar you can fill with every imaginable function. Trouble is, once you've added a number of buttons, the function you want may be hidden off the edge of the window.
Does that mean you have to put up with fewer or smaller toolbar buttons? Not at all. Simply press and hold the left mouse button on any toolbar button, then drag the cursor beyond the left or right side of the Norton File Manager window (or to the edge of the screen, if the window is maximised). The toolbar buttons will scroll as long as you leave your mouse outside the window or at the very edge. When you see the button you want, drag the cursor onto it, then release the mouse button to activate the function.
- Scott Dunn

Get all the buttons you want in Norton File Manager by dragging the cursor outside the window

Category: Data management, Win95
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 180

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