Dump unneeded luggage

Looking for a quick and easy way to cut down on Windows extras you don't really need? Windows can do the work for you, uninstalling any features that you don't want to carry around.
In Windows 3.x, double-click the Windows Setup icon in Program Manager's Main group, and choose Options--Add/Remove Windows Components from the Windows Setup menu. Then uncheck the boxes to remove entire categories of files, or click a Selected Files... button to designate specific components of a selected category for the trash heap (see figure). A grey box means that some -- but not all -- of the items in that category have been installed. If you take the latter course, select one or more items from the right column and click Remove; then click OK. Click OK to close the dialogue box. Confirm your decisions when prompted.
In Win95, choose Start--Settings--Control Panel, and double-click Add/Remove Programs. Click the Windows Setup tab. Uncheck the boxes to remove entire categories, or click Details to designate specific components of a selected category for deletion. If you take the latter course, uncheck one or more items there and then click OK. Click OK to close the Windows Setup dialogue box.
- Scott Dunn

Get rid of unwanted tools in Windows 3.x (as shown here) or in Windows 95

Category: Win95, Windows 3.x
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 177

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