Using ftp.exe in Windows 95

This is some of the information I found regarding the Windows 95 FTP program. Most of the software on the Internet can be downloaded through an FTP program. But what happens when you don't have any FTP program to download the files?
In your Windows 95 directory, you will find that there is a FTP program, called ftp.exe (of course!). You already have an FTP program in your system, and it's very simple to use. Choose the MS-DOS prompt from Start--Programs menu. Enter ftp.exe. The prompt will become ftp> (looks familiar?).
Enter the command open followed by the FTP address you want. For example, open will bring you to the Netscape FTP site. This is a summary of the most useful ftp commands:

Command Description
cd Change to specified directory on the remote computer
cdup Change to parent directory on the remote computer
dir Display a long version of directory listing on the remote computer
pwd Display the name of current directory on the remote computer
ls Change directory on local computer
get Download a single file from remote computer
mget Download multiple files from remote computer
put Upload a single file to remote computer
mput Upload multiple files to remote computer
ascii Set file type to ASCII text file
binary Set file type to binary file. Make sure you use this command before downloading any programs or graphics
quit Close the current connection
I hope this information has some value for other readers.
- Joshua Wong

Category: Win95, Internet
Issue: Dec 1996
Pages: 176

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