Avoiding data corruption due to Windows 95 bug

Data corruption may occur in Windows 95 in the event of one of the following conditions:
  • The hard disk is a large (>504Mb) Enhanced IDE hard disk.
  • The hard disk is accessed using Logical Block Addressing (LBA) in BIOS.
  • The hard disk has been partitioned into multiple partition with the Windows 95 version of FDISK, or another partitioning utility that creates an MS-DOS extended partition.
  • The system BIOS supports extended INT13 functions to access hard disk devices.
  • You have exited to MS-DOS mode from Windows 95 without rebooting the computer.

Fortunately, a patch is available from www.microsoft.com/windows/software/dskts.htm which will address the problem. This patch is not included in Windows 95 service pack 1.

Category: Digital Helpline, Win95
Issue: Oct 1996
Pages: 184

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