Copying Word macros

How do I copy an existing macro from one PC to another?

There are several ways to export and import macros:
1. Most macros are saved under the template file. If the other machine does not contain any user-specific settings or macros already, you can copy the file straight to the other machine, overwriting the existing one (be sure to back it up beforehand).
2. You can use the macro organiser to add/remove macros. Copy the file containing the macro to a floppy, then choose Tools--Macro and click Organizer. Open up the file from other PC and import the macro.
3. You can open up the macro code. Choose Tools--Macro, select the macro you want, then click the Edit macro button. Save the code as a text file, and on the other machine create a new macro and copy and paste the existing code into the new macro.

Category: Digital Helpline, Word processing
Issue: Sep 1996
Pages: 168

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