Quick highlighting in WinWord

The thought crossed my mind to write this letter to you, back when the question was originally featured in the magazine, but as I have just moved from WA to Tasmania it really wasn't top priority on my list of things to do until now. Below is a tip that I hope is of benefit to you and other readers. By the way, I have purchased many different computing magazines over the years, but I always seem to come back to Australian PC World, my mainstay of computer reading. Keep up the good work.
In WinWord, Ami Pro, Word Pro and probably even WordPerfect (though I haven't had the opportunity to try it), there is a very simple way to highlight text accurately and quickly.
Click your mouse so the insertion point is at the beginning of the required text. Using your scroll bar, go down the page until you reach the end of the required text. Press down your <Shift> key and place your cursor at the end of the required text and click a mouse button. You can move up or down a document by pressing Page Up or Page Down, but you must keep the <Shift> key depressed while doing this. Once you have found the end of the required text, even if you have highlighted past the point required, just click where you want the highlighting to end.
Once you have finished highlighting text and you have released all controls (mouse, and <Shift> key), and you suddenly realise that you needed to highlight the full stop at the end of the sentence or you have highlighted too many words, hold down your <Shift> key and click again where you really want the highlighting to end.
- Sari Kuronen

Category: Word processing
Issue: Sep 1996
Pages: 162

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