Storing new styles in WordPerfect 6.1 and 7

I often create new styles in WordPerfect 7 while I'm working on a document. I expect a newly created style to be available to me in other documents, but it doesn't show up in the Style List dialogue box. What am I doing wrong?
- Alice Baxter

By default, WordPerfect 6.1 and 7 store all styles that you create in the current document. Storing a style in a template so that you can use it in other documents takes an extra step.
Here's what you have to do. Create your new styles as you do now -- by selecting Format--Styles, clicking the Create button or the QuickStyle button in the Style List dialogue box, and then filling in the Styles Editor dialogue box. Back in the Style List dialogue box, click the Options button and select Copy from the drop-down menu. Select Template in the Styles Copy dialogue box, then click OK and Close.

If you are going to create multiple styles, though, select Options--Setup in the Style List dialogue box before creating the first style. Select Default Template in the "Default location" frame of the Style Setup dialogue box, then click OK.

Once you do this, all styles that you create during that session will automatically end up in the template. Unfortunately, you will find that this default setting is lost whenever you exit WordPerfect.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 183-184

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