Matching refresh rates

Last month I answered a reader's question about why his old monitor would not work with his new video card in anything except 640x480 mode (February 1997, p161). I am now able to offer a solution. Many video cards now come with a utility that will allow you to adjust your card's refresh rate to match your monitor. The utility is specific to a card so you will need to consult the manual or look at what is on the disks that came with the card. Matching the card's refresh rates to the monitor is easiest if you have the monitor's manual, but a bit of trial and error may also produce a solution. It is important to note that the scrambled image that you get when the refresh rates are not compatible may harm your monitor. Do not leave your monitor displaying a scrambled image for more than a few seconds.
- Roy Chambers

Category: Hardware
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 164

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