Improving performance in WordPerfect 7

Corel WordPerfect 7 offers some great new features, but some of these slow the application down, especially on PCs with only 8Mb of memory. Here are a few ways you can eke out some extra performance from WordPerfect.
· Turn off WordPerfect's Spell-As-You-Go feature. Select Tools--Spell-As-You-Go to remove the check mark from the menu. When you want to use the spelling checker, just select this command again to turn the feature back on.
· WordPerfect's QuickSpots, which call up formatting commands, take a bite out of processor speed, since they appear each time you move the mouse over a new object. To turn these off, select Edit--Preferences, double-click the Display icon, deselect QuickSpots, then click OK and Close.
· You can turn off the display of WordPerfect's new guidelines for margins, columns, headers, footers and tables. Select View--Guidelines, deselect the items you don't want to display and click OK.
· WordPerfect 7 saves files in 6.1 format by default. To save files in the faster version 7 format, select Edit--Preferences and double-click the Files icon. In the Files Preferences dialogue box, choose WordPerfect 7 in the "Default save file format" list, click OK, then click Close. One caution: WordPerfect 6.1 users won't be able to read files saved in this format.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1997
Pages: 171

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