Spruce up envelopes

Have you ever wanted to add a graphic image or your company logo to the return address area of envelopes you create in Microsoft Word? AutoText -- a little-known feature in versions 6 and 7 -- lets you do this quickly and easily. Just follow the steps detailed and illustrated below.
1. In a blank Word document, select Insert--Picture, locate and highlight the graphic file you want to add to your envelopes, and click OK.
2. Click on the graphic to select it, then change its size, if necessary, by dragging the sizing handles. You'll be inserting this on an envelope, so you don't want the image to be too large. To get an idea of the image size, select View--Ruler to display the ruler.
3. With the graphic still selected, choose Edit--AutoText. In the Name field of the AutoText dialogue box, type EnvelopeExtra1 (with the capitals), then click Add.
4. Select Tools--Envelopes and Labels. Click the Envelopes tab, if necessary, then click at the beginning of the first line of the return address and press <Enter> to add a blank line before the address. Click Print. If you're prompted to save your changes, answer Yes. Your logo will print above the return address on all envelopes, but it won't appear in the Envelopes and Labels dialogue box.
If you want to change the graphic or resize it, select Edit--AutoText, choose EnvelopeExtra1, then click Delete. Repeat the steps above to make your changes.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1997
Pages: 170

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