Print your own letterhead

It's easy to create a header in Word 6 for Windows and Word 7 for Windows 95, but creating a header that you want to appear only on the first page of a document -- letterhead, for example -- isn't as obvious. Any time you need to create such a header, follow this procedure:
1. In a blank document, select View--Header and Footer. The screen will change to show the header area of your document, and the Header and Footer toolbar will appear.
2. Click the Page Setup icon on the Header and Footer toolbar.
3. In the Page Setup dialogue box, click the Layout tab, click Different First Page in the Headers and Footers section to mark that option, and then click OK.
4. Create and format the text for your header and insert your graphic using normal Word commands. (Hint: after inserting a graphic, click on it and select Insert--Frame. This will allow you to move the graphic and wrap text around it.) Finally, close the Header and Footer toolbar.
5. Since you'll probably want to use this header again, you can easily turn it into a template. Select File--Save As, choose Document Template (*.dot) in the "Save as type" list, type a file name in the "File name" field and then click Save. Your new document template will appear as a choice whenever you select File--New.
To return to normal editing mode, you can select View--Normal or select View--Header and Footer again.

Category: Word processing
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 182

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