Browse Instantly in Long Documents

Moving around in long documents can be time-consuming and imprecise. Word's instant browsing feature helps you minimise your page-scrolling.

Instant browsing lets you jump through documents by page, section, table, or other feature. Here's how it works.

Word 97 and 2000: Start by clicking the little button between the two double arrows at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar. In response, a selection palette will pop up (see FIGURE 1), letting you choose the object to use in browsing the document. To display a description of an object, simply move the pointer over it. Click the desired browse object to select it, and close the palette; then click one of the two double arrows located on the scroll bar to jump forward or backward in the document to the next occurrence of the object.

WordPerfect 9: This program has a tool similar to Word's at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar. Click the small icon between the double arrows to cycle through available browsing objects, which are described next to the icon when you click. Use the double arrows to jump up or down in the document from object to object. WordPerfect 8's double scroll bar arrows can also be used to browse, but they are limited to browsing by page.


Category:Word Processing
Issue: November 2000

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