Start Word with the File Open dialogue box open

If the first thing you do after starting Word is select File-Open to locate an existing file, why not force the program to display the File-Open dialogue box at start-up? It's easy to do with the help of a self-running macro that automates the task. When Word starts, the program automatically runs any macro that you've named "Autoexec", so we'll use this macro to automate our start-up routine. Thanks to Frank Dacey for suggesting this tip.

Word 97:

1. With Word running, select Tools-Macro-Macros.

2. Type Autoexec in the Macro name field of the dialogue box, then click Create.

3. Carefully type the single line of text below, between the Sub Autoexec() and End Sub lines in the macro editor. Include punctuation as shown.


4. Select File-Save Normal, then File Close and Return to Microsoft Word.

Word 6 and 7:

1. With Word running, select Tools-Macro.

2. Type Autoexec in the Macro Name field of the Macro dialogue box, and click Create.

3. Carefully type the three lines of text below (including punctuation characters), between the Sub MAIN and End Sub lines, into Word.

Dim dlg As FileOpen
button = Dialog(dlg)
If button <> 0 Then FileOpen dlg

4. Select File-Close and click Yes when you are prompted to save the changes you've made in the new macro.

Once you have created the macro, Word will display the File Open dialogue box each time you start up the program, using the default document directory. If you don't want to open an existing document, just click Cancel, and you will be presented with a blank document.

Note: to change the default document directory ù to which the File Open dialogue box takes you ù select Tools-Options, then click the File Locations tab. Next select Documents in the File types list. Then click Modify, choose a new directory as the default (you may need to navigate through your hard disk to locate the desired folder), and click OK twice to return to the document window.

- George Campbell

Category: word processing
Issue: May 1999

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